Dans le contexte de la conférence IJCAI, nous avons organisé un workshop sur les liens entre intelligence artificielle et les Objectifs de Développement Durable définis par l’UNESCO et ratifiés par l’ONU. Une description plus complète (en Anglais) du workshop, des motivations, des comités, peut se trouver sur la page de présentation pour la fondation Knowledge for All.
Voici le programme :
08:30 | Welcome and setting the stage Colin de la Higuera, Université de Nantes, UNESCO Chair in teacher training technologies with OER |
08:45‑09:30 | Invited talk: Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D) programme or how can a Global South Network of AI researchers be built and what are the benefits? Phet Sayo, Senior Program Officer at Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Kathleen Siminyu, lead for AI4D African Network |
09:00‑10:00 | Session 1: Life and Society Early detection of preeclampsia using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring using wearable devices and Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM-NN) on the edge by Moses Thiga and Pamela Kimeto Biodiversity Conservation with Drones: Using Uncertain Real-Time Information in Signaling Games to Prevent Poaching by Elizabeth Bondi, Hoon Oh, Haifeng Xu, Fei Fang, Bistra Dilkina and Milind Tambe Crowd Discussion for the Future of Your Hometown: An Agent-based Crowd Discussion Support System by Takayuki Ito, Shota Suzuki, Naoko Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Nishida, Kentaro Hiraishi and Kai Yoshino |
10:00‑10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30‑12:00 | Session 2: Understanding our Planet from images Visual Damage Inspection of Buildings for Safety Using Artificial Intelligence by Dhananjay Nahata, Prateek Dusad, Harish Mulchandani SpotholeAI – An Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistant to fix Potholes by Vishal Bhalla Mapping Poverty in the Philippines Using Machine Learning, Satellite Imagery, and Crowd-sourced Geospatial Information by Isabelle Tingzon, Ardie Orden, Stephanie Sy, Vedran Sekara, Dohyung Kim, Ingmar Weber and Masoomali Fatehkia Predicting Urbanization from Daytime Satellite Imagery based on Descriptive Statistics by Donghyun Ahn, Sungwon Han, Hyunji Cha and Meeyoung Cha |
12:30‑14:00 | Lunch break |
14:00-14:45 | Invited research talk: X5GON – a project on Artificial Intelligence and Open Educational Resources This talk fits SDG 4: Quality Education. Erik Novak, Jozef Stefan Institute, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, member of the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning |
14:45-15:30 | UNESCO Debate: AI and the Information Sphere: Solutions for SDGs Questions of Rights, Access, Openness and Multistakeholderism Moderator: Davor Orlic, Knowledge 4 All Foundation Zeynep Varoglu, Programme Specialist, ICT in Education Knowledge Societies Division Communication and Information Sector UNESCO Prateek Sibal, Consultant UNESCO, co-author of the upcoming UNESCO publication “Steering AI for Knowledge Societies” Maria Fasli, University of Essex, UNESCO Chair in Data Science and Analytics |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee break |
16:00‑18:00 | Session 3: Education Towards Automatic, Scalable Quality Assurance in Open Education by Sahan Bulathwela, Emine Yilmaz and John Shawe-Taylor Automatic segmentation of texts into units of meaning for reading assistance by Jean-Claude Houbart, Solen Quiniou, Marion Berthaut, Béatrice Daille and Claire Salomé Predicting school performance using a combination of traditional and non-traditional education data from South Africa by Henry Wandera, Vukosi Marivate and David Sengeh Session 4: Setting targets and measuring impact Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework Using Time Series Modelling by Yassir Alharbi, Daniel Arribas-Bel and Frans Coenen AI for SDG-16 on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: Tracking Progress and Assessing Impact by Niheer Dasandi and Slava Jankin Mikhaylov Artificial Intelligence for societal improvement: a commentary on targets and measures by Spyridon Samothrakis, Maria Fasli, Alejandro Quiroz Flores, Matran-Fernandez Ana and Haider Raza |
18:00 | Wrap-up and final words |