Dans le cadre de webinaires organisés régulièrement par Gabi Witthaus de l’Université de Birmingham, en voici un qui nous intéresse plus particulièrement. Ce webinaire est ouvert à tous ! (attention, la suite en anglais) :
This webinar will take place on Thursday 14th April from 2-3pm CE time (1pm for UK colleagues). The session outline is below, and you can register here.
Can learning and teaching be better with Open Educational Resources ? A HEFi-EUniWell webinar
Date: Thursday 14th April 2022, 13:00-14:00 UK/ 14:00-15:00 CET
• Extending openness in astronomy from research to education – by Warrick Ball (University of Birmingham)
• Teaching programming, and teaching with programming: preparing students for tomorrow’s working world – by Christopher (Kit) Windows Yule (University of Birmingham)
• Sharing education resources: no half open door – by Colin De la Higuera (Nantes University and UNESCO Chair in Open Educational Resources and Artificial Intelligence)
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